Michelle’s 12 Week Transformation Program

Michelle’s 12 Week Transformation Program

Have you tried countless fad diets that leave you feeling frustrated and hopeless?

Reverted back to old ways when the diet finished?

If you are ready to take a different approach and see massive changes in your life (and body), I would love to work with you.


We all long to feel confident and comfortable in our own skin, my approach addresses this;

A plan that is about finally breaking through the barriers that hold us back from losing the weight, gaining confidence without struggle and sacrifice to enjoy the FREEDOM that comes from living a fit and balanced lifestyle.

I can’t wait to share with you how different my approach is and for you to transform your body, mind and life!

Breaking bad habits and thought patterns is one of the most difficult but also crucial steps you NEED to take in order to reach your fitness goals. Unfortunately, it is the most overlooked piece to the puzzle as people just don’t know how or where to start.

Through my own struggles I understand what it is like to battle against your own mind when trying to stick to a diet, and as a mother, we put everyone first and end up with no energy or time to get a workout in or plan our meals and therefore never get results. And being an older Mum our bodies change and slow down making the whole process so damn hard.


I only take on so many clients at one time so I can fully dedicate myself to each and every one.

If you are ready to take a different approach and see massive changes in your life (and body), I would love to work with you. I only take on so many clients at one time so I can fully dedicate myself to each and every one.

  1. Custom Nutrition plan
  2. Custom Training plan
  3. Daily lessons and habits
  4. Fortnightly stats check
  5. Weekly support calls
  6. Unlimited Email and Group Support
Book a consultation
How I can support you?

Book your 60 min breakthrough session!

Uncover what is important to you and why? We’ll talk about your current approach to your lifestyle and compare that to my approach of losing weight, gaining rock solid confidence and why its time for something new!

If it seems like a fit, I’ll invite you to work with me on my 12 week program to take your helath and fitness to a new level.

YES, I'm Ready!

Starting the programme I was slightly apprehensive.  I’ve tried (and failed) in so many other plans… How on earth would I stick with something for 12 weeks?! However… I’m still here!

I love the fact when I wake up each morning the first thing I do is check my daily tasks. This stops it feeling overwhelming… The support from Michelle has been amazing, I consider myself a bit of a challenge with motivation around shift work. But her weekly calls have kept me in the zone and knowing she’s a text away if I have any questions has kept me focused.

Whilst I haven’t lost as much as I’d hoped I feel my understanding and relationship with food is way better than 3 months ago.


35 years old, female

I loved training with you through my pregnancy and my recovery is amazing this time round.  So much easier this time around, getting back to normal, thank you.  Can’t wait to get back to training with you.


33 years old, female

We worked on ways of incorporating exercise into a busy work schedule.  Gaining a healthier mindset shift was paramount which then lead to better food choices and we addressed the need to prioritise self-care.  Antonia lost 7lbs on the program and gained clarity over how to take things forward.


52 years old, female

Despite hitting her 50’s has continued to get fitter and stronger from weekly training programs and has a body shape she is now comfortable with.  Strength training was paramount as she was getting lots of injuries and this came into its own when she unexpectedly had to have heart surgery.  Her recovery was so much quicker because her body was strong.  Learning and incorporating strength training into her lifestyle has made all the difference to managing her weight.


55 years old, female